Optic neuritis is a condition in which the nerve to the eye (the optic nerve) becomes inflamed or irritated. Inflammation refers to a process in which white blood cells and chemical messengers go to an area of the body to stimulate healing or to attack viruses or foreign material. Optic neuritis is a condition that can happen because of a disease or without any specific known cause.
This disease can happen to anyone at any age, but most cases occur in women who are between the ages of 20 to 40.
The most common cause for Optic neuritis is inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve. Demyelination is a process in which the myelin is stripped off by disease. It is believed that Optic Neuritis is an autoimmune process, where for some unknown reason the immune system attacks tissues of the body causing injury. While this may occasionally occur after an infection, there is often no clear reason why the immune attack occurs.
Myelin is a material that is produced by oligodendrocytes (a type of cell) in the central nervous system. Myelin wraps around the axons of many nerves. It helps speed nerve activity and insulates electrical conduction in the nerves.
Some patients with Optic Neuritis will go on to have other episodes of demyelination in the nervous system and develop multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition in which attacks of demyelination occur in different parts of the brain and spinal cord over time.
The diagnosis of Optic Neuritis is based on the patient’s medical history, as well as the absence of other diseases which can cause visual loss. The eye exam may help in showing abnormalities at the back of the eye in the optic disc, which is the part of the optic nerve visible using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope. There may be abnormalities of visual field testing, colour vision, testing, and visual acuity testing that aid in the diagnosis.
Occasionally, other diseases have to be considered in diagnosing Optic Neuritis, but these are usually apparent during the history and examination. For example, some people who are older than 50 experience a sudden loss of vision in one eye which is due to a problem with blood flow to the eye, and not due to inflammation.
Testing helps to exclude other diagnoses and evaluates the likelihood of other diseases. An MRI study of the brain and orbits (the eye sockets) with gadolinium contrast may confirm the diagnosis of acute demyelinating optic neuritis. In addition, patients whose MRI scans show two or more areas of demyelination in the brain are now known to have a higher risk of going on to develop MS than patients with few or no such areas.
Optic Neuritis may resolve spontaneously without treatment. However, if visual function is poor, a course of IV methyl-prednisolone (a steroid medication) with a tapering course of oral steroids afterwards has been shown to speed recovery of visual function. The usual course is three days of IV steroids followed by a few days of tapering medication. Side effects of steroids include:
Long-term steroids have other risks. Low dose oral prednisone is no longer used as it is not effective for optic neuritis.
If patients have multiple areas of demyelination on the MRI scans of the brain, there is some evidence that using medications that are effective in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis may make it less likely that the patients will develop Multiple Sclerosis.
In general, Optic Neuritis improves in about 80 percent of patients over a few weeks. Some people have continued visual change, reduced colour vision, or more difficulty with night-time vision. Many have a complete resolution of their symptoms. Even if there is some residual vision loss, people regain functional vision and can read and pass a driving test.
Occasionally Optic Neuritis recurs and requires retreatment. A small group of patients has continued recurrence of Optic Neuritis and requires ongoing treatment. Over time, about 50 percent of patients with Optic Neuritis will develop other neurological symptoms suggesting Multiple Sclerosis. Patients with more severe Optic Neuritis may have a condition called Neuromyelitis Optica, which can be diagnosed with a blood test.